Monday, March 24, 2008

Tantra Sexual acts!

health fitnes tantra

Tantra Art from India

Tantric sex, in brief, is based on the female partner using her PC muscles (the same muscles used to stop the flow of urine) to delay orgasm. The practice is said to come from Buddhist folklore.
As tantric practice become known in western culture -- a development that started at the end of of the 18th century, and that has escalated since the 1960s -- it has become identified with its sexual methods. Consequently, its essential nature as spiritual practice is often overlooked. The roles of sexuality in Tantra and in Neotantra, while related, are actually quite different, reflecting substantial differences in their cultural contexts.
In Neotantra the most important features of sexual practice revolve around the experience of subtle energies within our sensual embodiment, and the accessing of these energies both to enhance pleasure and to challenge our egotism into its dissolution. Thus, tantric sexuality often cultivates ecstatic consciousness as well as increased spiritual awareness of the erotic consciousness that pervades our human embodiment as well as everything that contextualizes this embodiment.
Tantric sexual methods may be practiced solo. The specifics of these methods are often kept secret, and passed from practitioners to students in an oral tradition. It must be remembered that genuine tantric spiritual practice is merely one aspect of a comprehensive spiritual path of meditation -- and that the sexual and erotic aspects of tantra cannot be authentically engaged without adequate preparation and discipline.

In sum, tantric sexuality is just one dimension of a spiritual path that is devoted and dedicated to the challenge of becoming aware, in every moment of our embodied lives, of the supreme flow of the sacred lifeforce itself -- the Sacred Unity of Love.
In Vajrayana Buddhism tantric sexual practice (Sanskrit: Maithuna, cf. Tibetan:Yab-Yum) is one aspect of the last stage of the initiate's spiritual path, where s/he, having already realised the voidness of all things, attains enlightenment and perpetual bliss. Within the Tibetan tradition the role of such practices has always been somewhat controversial, since they lend themselves to abuse, and is therefore often shrouded in secrecy.In addition, the sexual practices would violate a Buddhist monk's or nun's vow of celibacy.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Goiter for dummies!

Thyroid is an important gland that is situated somewhere middle of the front side of the neck. Thyroid gland secrets some of the important hormones, known as ´thyroid hormones´, that play important role in metabolism of the body. Metabolism is the process through which, the body utilizes the food to get energy. In a case of hyperthyroidism the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormones than required by the body result of which, the body gets accelerated metabolism. There are many causes of hyperthyroidism.
Generally, it is caused by disorders wherein thyroid cells trap excess iodine and manufacture more thyroid hormone than needed. It can also be caused by disorders that can make the thyroid gland inflamed or swollen. Inflamed, swollen or damaged cells release more thyroid hormone into the bloodstream than required. Excessive presence of thyroid hormone is termed as thyrotoxicosis. However, thyrotoxicosis can occur in other conditions too. One of the causes that can give raise to hyperthyroidism is excessive intake of thyroid replacement hormones or ingesting food or medicines that is contaminated or adulterated with thyroid hormones. This is termed as exogenous thyrotoxicosis and hence it cannot be considered as thyroid disorder.
Another common cause for hyperthyroidism is Graves´ disease that records for about 70% of almost all the cases. It is an autoimmune disorder wherein the immune system manufactures thyroid antibodies called as TSI. These antibodies direct thyroid cells to overproduce the thyroid hormone and release into the bloodstream. Many times thyroiditis (inflammation of thyroid gland) can also cause hyperthyroidism where inflamed cells produce more thyroid hormones. Most forms of thyroiditis are considered to be autoimmune in origin.
Toxic multi-nodular goiter is another common and ´non-ignorable´ cause for hyperthyroidism. Multi-nodular goiter, as the name suggest, is a condition in which the thyroid gland will develop nodules or some abnormal growths that catches excess iodine and produce more thyroid hormones than required by the body. This is toxic condition because increased levels of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream create trouble in the metabolism in the body. Toxic multi-nodular goiter generally occurs in people with advanced age and who may have had hypothyroidism some time in their life. Those nodules produce excessive thyroid hormones after a person is exposed to excess iodine in iodine contrast dyes and various radio imagining tests.
Reffrence:ryan English-Los Angeles Chronicle

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Penicillin-the wonder drug
Scientists have exposed a killer microbe's Achilles heel in a move that may restore penicillin to the front line in the superbug war.
Researchers led by a team from the University of Warwick have learned exactly how Streptococcus pneumoniae has become resistant to the pioneering antibiotic.
The discovery could also make the superbug MRSA vulnerable to attack by penicillin and help create an arsenal of new antibiotics that are effective against other resistant bacteria.
Streptococcus pneumoniae, which targets the lungs, causes about five million children to die of pneumonia around the world each year.
In the US, it causes a million cases of pneumonia in the elderly each year, up to 7% of which are fatal.
Penicillin, discovered by Sir Alexander Fleming in 1928, became the first widely used antibiotic in the 1940s. However many bacteria have now developed penicillin resistance. The drug normally acts by interfering with the make-up of a bacterium's "skeleton", a protective wall surrounding the cell that provides support and stability.
The researchers focused on a vital component of the cell wall, a chain-molecule called peptidoglycan which creates a strong mesh structure.
A particular bacterial protein, MurM, was found to play a key role in building links between strands of peptidoglycan. High numbers of these links, or "dipeptide bridges", make the bug resistant to penicillin.
The same dipeptide bridges are also behind the strong immunity of MRSA, methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.
Targeting MurM with specially designed drugs could disrupt Streptococcus pneumoniae's resistance to penicillin, say the scientists. It would also weaken many other bugs the same way, including MRSA.
Penicillin 'could beat superbug'
EXPERTS have exposed a killer microbe's Achilles heel in a move that may restore penicillin to the frontline in the superbug war.
Researchers at the University of Warwick have learned how streptococcus pneumoniae has become resistant to the antibiotic. The discovery could also make the superbug MRSA vulnerable to attack by penicillin.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fat is Good

There are plenty of myths floating around , mainly spread by diet food industry to make profit!People have tried and stayed away from fat but never did their waisteline narrow or any visible changes occurred.On the contarary the health deteorated.

Some misconceptions have been cleared.However this must be discussed with your doctors first and cannot be taken isolation.

Fats make you fat: Fat contains 9 cal./gms as compared to Carbohydrates/starch which contain 4-5 cal/gms.People avoid fats but in the process consume more calories from other foods thus consuming more calories than needed per day.Calories consumed designs your waistline.

Fats are harmfull: Yes and no!Essential fats like unsaturated fats helps the body cells in absorbing vitamin A which is essential for proper working of your organs and systems.Vitamin A is needed for good eyesight,skin and heart.Fats also give us energy and keeps us warm.

Ideal diet is fat free: Not true! Our body needs many polyunsaturated fatsto nourish our body as fatty acids are neede for metabolism and blood circulation.They keep the internal organs in good conditions.Also Omega-3 oils derived from fish and nuts,olives,linseeds etc are very good for heart.

Avoid foods high on cholesterol: Again not true!Conventionaly it was thought that eggs,prawns are high in choloestrol.Again there is the good cholesterol and the bad one.Good cholesterol in eggs ,seefood should be taken everyweek in limited quantities to keep the body working in prime condition.

Nuts are unhealthy: Nuts are high in fats but of good kind!They are very good for heart and should be taken at regular intervals.They have low GI(Glycremic index),that means they release energy slowly ,keeping your blood sugar stable and satisfying your appetite for a longer time.

Easy way to cut Fat:

• Grill ,sream or boil food.
• Choose oven choips over fried ones.
• When buying ready meals look for saturated foods and calorie count.
• Add salads with extra veg along with food.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Work Place bullying

Bullying at the office,comprising negative behaviuour like belittling comments, persistent criticism or withholding of resources is more damaging than sexual harrasement.
Both bullying and sexual harrasement can create negative work environments and unhealthy consequences for employees but the researchers found that agreesion had more severe consequences.Employees who experienced bullying,lack of civility or interpersonal conflict were more likely to quit their jobs,have lower well being, be less satisfied with their work and have less satisfying relations with their bosses than who were sexually harrased.
Bullying included persistently criticizing an employee’s work ,yelling,repeatedly reminding the employee of mistakes ,spreading gossip or lies,ignoring or excluding a worker , and insulting an employees behaviour ,habits,attitudes and private life.
Bullying is often more subtle.For instance how does an employee report to their boss that they have been excluded from Lunch or are they being ignored by co-workers.
In new countries of eastern Europe like Latvia ,Estoni and Lithuania the more effective strategy is that the boss hires his or her own budies and they gang up to push the odd one out by these methods.
How many of you have experienced it!
Please comment and tell us about your or your friends experience!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Orthorexia!A lifestyle disorder!

orthorexia nervosa healthvice

Orthorexia!A lifestyle disorder!
People are becoming health conscious ,thanks to more information available on internet and in community sites.However many are falling prey to a kind of lifestyle disease called “Orthorexia” which means health conscious folks displaying a fastidious preoccupation with purity of food leading to their own eating disorders.This symptom is called “Orthorexia Nervosa”.
You must have come across folks who refuse to eat dairy products or sugar and any fat too!They don’t realize that they are missing on essential ingredients like fat which is important for their body to work.Some Hollywood stars and business executives have it! Victoria Becham breakfasts on seaweed shakes and algae! sucks! She snacks on edamame beans as reported in some media reports.Gwyneth Peltrow adhered to microbiotic diet. Natalie Portman and Uma Thurman mostly eat raw food and Reese witherspoon binges on jars of baby food,which she carries with her in her bag.
I have met people who didn’t have tap water in last 20 years or so!
More and more people are showing an inclination towards this trend ,unfortunately! The person is so concerned of what they are eating that they isolate themselves and hence become recluse and depressed. Was Brittany spears a victim of Orthorexia?Time will tell.
Health food marketers are to be blamed! In their adverts ,they show about allergies and fats if you don’t eat their stuff. People are scared! Society is becoming so isolated that outside your office ,one hardly have any friends to confide in!
Even some parents are also indulging their children in such diets!they don’t realize that fats and minerals are needed by their growing bodies.Is Orthorexia going to be the biggest lifestyle disorder of the 21st century? Only time will tell.


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