He who takes medicine and neglects to diet wastes the skill of his doctors. ~Chinese Proverb
Health is the main concern as far as life is concerned.No amount of wealth or fortune cannot replace good health.Anyone without health cannot enjoy wealth.in this blog we are going to discuss about an enemy which many of us fail to see.This enemy is present on our dinning tables and is popularly known as table salt.
Many of us go and eat at fast food joints like McDonald's and Kentucky chicken etc without realizing the amount of salt present in the French fries or Chicken.Many of us diet on oil and cholesterol but hardly can prevent a heart attack.The reason is simple that we have failed to stop guzzling common salt.This can cause severe health problems.Eating junk food and processed food like cheese,chips and other popcorn stuff can increase your salt intake by up to 10-13 gms.Health is at risk when junk food becomes a habit.
How is salt responsible for heart attack?
Salt is present in bread,butter or food that we eat.It flows in our blood thus clogging the arteries which supply blood to the heart.Once the arteries are totally blocked a person can get a fatal heart attack.We should reduce our dependence on salt.According to WHO the admissible amount of salt is 2-3mg but in Asia the quantity consumed per person can be 10-15 gms per person.More and more research has shown that raw foodism is catching up.Fruits and green vegetables in salads can enhance health benefits thus reducing the heart problem by as much as 80%.
Salt is also responsible for Obesity and high blood pressure!
Salt present in the arteries can increase water retention thus making a person look plump.The salt present in veins and arteries can contain 1 liter of water.loosing salt will allow this extra water to be lost.The salt accumulation on the artery wall can slow down or increase blood pressure.Reducing salt intake by 70% can reduce further health risk.
Well, Salt is one of the culprits of why the opening of clogged arteries and narrow. To avoid the progression of the blockage and hardening of the arteries in your body, you should avoid taking too much sodium.
Salt has a dehydrating effect on the body, which can make you feel sluggish. Eating less salt has many health benefits including assisting in lowering blood pressure.
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To avoid the progression of the blockage and hardening of the arteries in your body, you should avoid taking too much sodium.
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