Drink cool water/juice/chocolate:Sipping water when you are angry helps you cool your body thus calm your nervous system.Drinking fruit juice helps you divert your mind and a feeling of easiness comes inside your body which helps in cooling tempers.Natural sugars present in juice generates a feeling of wellness.Even Flavanoid rich chocolates can initiate feel good hormones inside you.Keep some of this stuff inside your office ,home or car.
Take a break:When inside a heated argument or fight, take a break and wash your face with water.Often in the office or homes we get angry and being impulsive by nature might do or say something which we will regret later.Instead of being impulsive,take a break and than return.Often this method also helps in controlling teenage folks who have less control over their anger.This technique is taught in anger management classes.
Visualise:Often this is the technique which I have found very useful.When angry or frustrated,visualize something like beautiful flowers,waterfall or music.Chanting Buddhist mantra also really helps controlling your temper.Soka Gakkai organization which practices Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism have some wonderful chanting methods to control your inner self thus bringing out positive energy from within yourself.This helps in managing your anger.
Ventilate:A problem shared is a problem halved-saying from a Buddhist monk.It very true.When you feel angry and frustrated about something,call a friend or partner and vent your feelings.Its always advisable to make friends with people who will listen to you and you can listen to them.This helps you see things more clearly.