Flavonoid or Bioflavonoids are derivatives of plants with antioxidant properties.In the media mostly they are known as Bioflavonoids.They are abundantly present in plants and flowers and protect them from insects and other plant diseases.Research has shown that the animals when they eat these plants boost up their own immune systems against diseases.Human too benefit from its antioxidant properties as they are known to be good for heart and contains anti cancer properties.Flavonoids can be found in food products like fruits and specially Cacao is abundantly rich in Flavonoids.Medical fraternity always advise to eat black bitter chocolate as it protects you from heart related problems.
How does Flavonoids protect human?
Human body is a wonderful healing machine on its won provided that immune system is working properly.When ever some foreign substance or compound is detected inside the body,it releases certain hormones which act as fighters against the substance.In this process certain hormones which were lying dormant get active thus flushing out toxins from the body.This process not only gets rid of anti radicals(harmful cells) from our body but boosts our metabolic rate too.Blood circulations improves thus supplying oxygen to each part of the body. Flavonoids show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory , anti-microbial and anti-cancer activity.Medical establishment has specially become too interested in Flavonoids because they protect from cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids could also induce mechanisms that help kill cancer cells and inhibit tumor invasion.
Where can we get Flavonoids?
Fruits like Cacao and wine are good sources of Flavonoids.Eating black bitter chocolate in moderation can help protect heart from failure.
Green Tea:Black tea is made by oxydising the fresh leaves thus getting rid of flavonoids.Green tea is steamed thus flavonoids remain undisturbed.So Green Tea is rich source of Flavonoids.
Wine:Grape skin contains rich quantity of Flavonoids.Thus both red and white wine are beneficial.Red wine is even better because red grapes are fermented in presence of skin.Dark chocolate:Cacao is a rich source of Flavonoids.However Cacao is bitter in taste so most companies remove it .It is advisable to eat only black bitter variety of chocolate as it contains flavonoids.
How does Flavonoids protect human?
Human body is a wonderful healing machine on its won provided that immune system is working properly.When ever some foreign substance or compound is detected inside the body,it releases certain hormones which act as fighters against the substance.In this process certain hormones which were lying dormant get active thus flushing out toxins from the body.This process not only gets rid of anti radicals(harmful cells) from our body but boosts our metabolic rate too.Blood circulations improves thus supplying oxygen to each part of the body. Flavonoids show anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory , anti-microbial and anti-cancer activity.Medical establishment has specially become too interested in Flavonoids because they protect from cardiovascular diseases. Flavonoids could also induce mechanisms that help kill cancer cells and inhibit tumor invasion.
Where can we get Flavonoids?
Fruits like Cacao and wine are good sources of Flavonoids.Eating black bitter chocolate in moderation can help protect heart from failure.
Green Tea:Black tea is made by oxydising the fresh leaves thus getting rid of flavonoids.Green tea is steamed thus flavonoids remain undisturbed.So Green Tea is rich source of Flavonoids.
Wine:Grape skin contains rich quantity of Flavonoids.Thus both red and white wine are beneficial.Red wine is even better because red grapes are fermented in presence of skin.Dark chocolate:Cacao is a rich source of Flavonoids.However Cacao is bitter in taste so most companies remove it .It is advisable to eat only black bitter variety of chocolate as it contains flavonoids.
Chocolates reduce high Blood Pressure due to presence of Flavonoids in cacao which balances the blood pressure and also decreases the blot clotting.The carbohydrates in chocolate raise serotonin levels in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being.Men who eat chocolate live a year longer than those who don't.
Well, really chocolates and wine are best for health. Chocolates is also full of antioxidants, which can help prevent heart disease. Glass of red wine is advised as heart-friendly.
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Chocolate has properties that increase mental awareness as well as a multitude of health benefits for our body.It will help you lower your blood pressure and assist some of the hormones in your body to be better balanced.
Chocolate is a product which has a high source of these important elements.Wine had the strongest effect on cognitive performance
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Chocolate may activate headaches in migraine sufferers.It harvest serotonin, gives you a feeling of blissful cheerfulness.
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Well, Wine is helpful for the elimination of the bad cholesterol in the body. For people who want to loss weight can drink red wine.
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