VOICE OF YOUNG SCIENCE NETWORK has unveiled many scam claims by companies about their products.Most of these companies used scientific phrases that a common citizen cannot understand.Most of these words they use sound scientific but are really meaningless.DETOX is such term!No two companies portrayed the same meaning for the DETOX.According to Oxford dictionary, Detox means removal of toxic substances from the body.According to a BBC article,one researcher investigated a Garnier Face Wash which claimed to detoxify the skin by removing toxins.The toxins turned out to be simple old makeup or dirt on the face which in fact can be removed by soap.More such claims are coming in front which in fact misguide common man on the street.Evelyn Harvey,a biologist clarified that if a person eats a good diet and exercises,he will feel better and it has nothing to do with DETOX products being sold on the market.
In fact some companies like Boots are advertising DETOX DIETS which in fact can harm rather than do good to oneself.As per BBC ,TOM WELLS ,a chemist advised that it would be much better if these companies can make people aware about DETOX.THE ADVERTISING STANDARDS AUTHORITY clarified that it has already started investigating such claims.
What is DETOX- DIET?
This are the diets advocated by some experts for detoxifying a body.This simply means getting rid of all free radicals which can cause cancer or other problems.However a human body is a wonderful self healing machine which can detoxify itself if fed properly.
People who advocate this kind of diet claim that after these diets a person feels full of energy and looses weight etc etc.
How to DETOXIFY your body?
-Get rid of caffeine(coffee,cola etc), alcohol processed food (including any bread), -canned food, salt, sugar, red meat, pork, fried and deep fried food, cheese, cream, butter and margarine, shortening!
-Concentrate on raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, raw nuts and seeds, fish, vegetable oils, herbs and herbal teas, water, etc.
-Fasting, including water fasting and juice fasting
-Increased consumption of fish
-Decrease your calorie intake.
-Herbal detox (What the hell it means?)
-Herbal Teas mixed with fresh ginger or basil helps in getting rid of harmful free radicals in the body.
Read more about DIETS
Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Today we are surrounded by many sources of toxins. Examples are the smoke can be reached by car, the oil vapors gasoline station, and preservatives are mixed with food and drink.
Detox is the process of purifying body from inside. By eliminating the toxins from the body which can assist to reduce the disease.
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